The following information was shared with me by Dr. Gene Eakin, who is a professor at Oregon State University. He made MANY good of which was that internal motivation is a LEARNED SKILL. Knowing how to motivate yourself is something that some people naturally have...but most of us need to practice strategies to help ourselves improve in this area.
Below is a "vocabulary list for achievement." Language is powerful - many of us easily remember the Little Engine That Could ("I think I can, I think I can, I think I can..."). Even elementary students can learn 'advanced' words if we teach them what those 'fancy words' mean. I hope you can let this list inspire you to use some words that don't always automatically show up as we talk with students. I think using these words and teaching them to kids will not only improve their vocabulary and writing, but also their determination and motivation.
Please see me if you have more questions on how to motivate students. Lecturing often doesn't bring the change we want and there is usually more we can do even when we think it is hopeless!
Language of Achievement
(Source: Dr. Gene Eakin, Oregon State University)
I have dreams I want to accomplish:
- dream
- values
- ambitions
- intention
- vision
- aspirations
- desires
- assets
- strengths
- qualities
- characteristics
- resources
- ability
- talent
- aptitude
- competence
- skill
- learning style
I am confident:
- confident
- can
- do
- believe
- hopeful
- sure
- positive
- optimistic
- certain
I know how to motivate myself:
- motivate
- inspire
- encourage
- hearten
- uplift
- strengthen
- fortify
- power
I take responsibility & set goals:
- goal
- objective
- aim
- intention
- purpose
- target
- aspiration
I take responsibility & make commitments:
- commit
- pledge
- assure
- give my word
- promise
- guarantee
I am resilient:
- persevere
- do not give up
- bounce back
- persist
- continue
- keep on trying
- overcome adversity
- self-reliant
- discouraged but not defeated
I know resources & who supports me & I know when/how to ask for help/support:
- resources
- friends
- mentors
- teachers
- help
- parents
- advocates
- Church/youth group
I achieve my goals:
- accomplish
- strive
- do your best
- endeavor
- attempt
- succeed
- make every effort
- extend yourself
- do my utmost effort
I take pride in effort and accomplishment:
- self-respect
- pride
- satisfaction
- fulfillment
- contentment
- happiness
- self-esteem
- self-respect
I know how to attribute success and failure:
- internal
- external
- try harder
- try smarter
- self-fulfilling prophecy & the power of thought
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