Back-to-School Tips
1. Label EVERYTHING. You would be amazed at the supplies and clothes that go unclaimed and are donated simply because they don't have a name and are not picked up from Lost & Found in the front office or gym. Masking tape, luggage tags or simple a index card & safety pin are great for this if you don't want to use a permanent marker.
2. Introduce yourself to your child's teacher. Give them your phone number and email. HTE Teachers use email frequently and that is often the quickest way to reach them.
3. Meet or call the parents of students in your child's class. It is great to know folks who could help if a homework assignment is forgotten! It is also important, for ALL parents of elementary, middle & HIGH school students, to know the contact information for the parents of their kid's friends.
4. Make sure your child knows how they are going home and WRITE IT DOWN for the teacher. At Hightower, information about how a child is to go home must be in writing. For safety reasons, we do not go by what a child tells us, as there are often misunderstandings between parent and child.
5. Have lunch with your child. Even older students love to eat lunch from home or a fast food place in our newly restored HTE Courtyard!
6. Ask for, read and sign your child's agenda (Kindergarten students have a folder). Make sure their homework is complete and in their book bag the night before. Expect students to have their assignments written down. Reward and punish as needed. :-)
7. Meet or contact the School Counselor. The start of the year is a great time to seek out my help to ensure that your child's school year begins well (whether they are new to HTE or not). By communicating with one another at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year, parents and counselors can have a definite impact on a child’s success.
For more information on how your school counselor can help you at the start of the school year, click below.
Back-to-School Tips from ASCA
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